JBE Morning News for Thursday, Oct. 5, 2017. Brought to you by Mrs. Roberts' 5th grade class. https://youtu.be/Sej172RTfZg #WhateverItTakes
Star City School District events for Thursday, October 5, 2017 #WhateverItTakes
WTG Ms. Melissia & Ms. Stacy's Ss. 180 goal met! Awesome kids. #whateverittakes @starcityjbe
JBE Ss are working hard to reach 180 pts. Congrats Ms. Renee & Ms. Samantha's classes. @starcityjbe
Mrs. Marche's students enjoyed their breakfast this morning! #whateverittakes
Working to build the three little pig's houses..... Mrs. Kim's and Mrs. Rachel's kindergarteners # pltw #whateverittakes
Building a beanstalk! Mrs. Rachel's and Mrs. Kim's kindergarten engineers! #pltw #whateverittakes
Tuesday Oct 10th is Middle School & High School Flu Clinic. All forms should be turned in to the office by Friday, October 6.
Pltw in Mrs. Nicole's kindergarten class! #whateverittakes
We reached 180 goal in activities! Ms. McGraw & Ms. Hoots's classes @starcityjbe
Mrs. Stephanie's and Mrs. Stacy's class building houses for the 3 little pigs! #pltw #whateverittakes
SCHS is on the bus! Random Acts of Kindness for students to choose from!
Molecules and more! It's happening in 6th grade science @scmiddleschool!!!! #whateverittakes @starcityschools
Congratulations 2017-2018 Student Council & Class Officers @scmiddleschool. #whateverittakes @starcityschools
Mrs. Deedee's Students teaching students. Awesome! #whateverittakes
Mrs. Lisa and Mrs. April's class researching topics for writing!
We love breakfast in the classroom!! #whateverittakes
Mrs. Nicole's class enjoyed breakfast in the classroom! #whateverittakes
SCHS Animal Science students prepare a pen for a new temporary resident! #Whateverittakes
Day 1 Breakfast in the classroom at JBE was a huge success! #WhateverItTakes