Students @scmiddleschool learning that honesty matters! @EnergyBusSchools #visionforward #whatverittakes @starcityschools
#PAWS referrals drive our bus @scmiddleschool! @EnergyBusSchools @starcityschools #whateverittakes
JBE Morning News for Friday, Oct. 6, 2017. Brought to you by Mrs. Roberts' 5th grade class. #WhateverItTakes
Star City School District events for Friday, October 6, 2017 #WhateverItTakes
Congrats Jr. Bulldogs! #8quarterstogo
Mr. Jason's Robotics Thursday is electric! #whateverittakes
Go Jr. Bulldogs! Beat Hamburg.
Ms. Nicole & Ms. Stephanie's classes had their reward of recess/popsicles for 180 pts. #whateverittakes @starcityjbe
Mrs. Lisa's and Mrs. April's class is enjoying listening to a book outside on this beautiful day! #whateverittakes
TY Ms. Moore & Ms. Monk's classes for achieving 180 pts in activity. #whateverittakes @starcityabc
Thank you Floyd's chip mill for refilling with new chips. #whateverittakes @starcityjbe
180 points! Awesome work Ms. Trantham & Ms. Socia's classes. #whateverittakes @starcityjbe
Ms. Tina & Ms. Terri's Ss show teamwork by putting together a 24 piece puzzle. #teamwork @starcityjbe
SC ABC students help support the cause. #pinkoutday @starcityjbe
Pink out day @scmiddleschool #photobomb #whateverittakes
Mrs. McGraw's kids lovingbreakfast in the classroom! #WhateverItTakes
The Bulldog Times staff working hard to keep you up to date on everything going on for the 2017-2018 school year. #WhateverItTakes
Allison's 3rd grade pink out!
Mrs. Melissia's class rocking breakfast in the classroom and morning work!
Student leadership! Morning announcements provided by Ms. Lauren & Ms. Kaegan! @scmiddleschool #whateverittakes @starcityschools