Just a few of JBE passengers preparing for another GREAT ride!!

7th grade football practice will not begin until the school year starts in August. There are no summer requirements. #WhateverItTakes

Bulldog Days Shoe & Supplies Drive hosted by Star City First Assembly to be held Aug 12 from 8am-12pm on the town square! #WhateverItTakes

6th grade students must have the Tdap Vaccination & HS students who are 16 must have the MCV4 Vaccination to start school in August.

The Ladydogs have been working hard this Summer. They will be featured in the SEARK magazine in August! #WhateverItTakes

Congrats to SCHS student Katelyn West on scoring a 26 on her 1st ACT Test! #WhateverItTakes

Star City Jr. and Sr. Boys Basketball Summer schedule. #WhateverItTakes

The Star City Bulldog Football schedule is now posted on our school website and app. Go to starcityschools.org/athletics #WhateverItTakes

Star City Cross Country team ran the Big Dam Bridge and River Trail in Little Rock on July 11. #WhateverItTakes

Download this app now for live streaming of Star City Athletics & Activites for FREE! #WhateverItTakes

Summer crew putting fresh paint on the walls at SC Middle School for the new year. Students will be in these halls soon! #WhateverItTakes

JBE will host K-5 registration at the Grady Community Center Thursday, July 20 from 5pm - 7pm #WhateverItTakes

Star City Schools Administration Team charging up for another year at leadership summit. #WhateverItTakes

Mrs. Chambliss shares the first products made on CNC today. CIM is way cool! 😎 #PLTWCT17

We are excited for our passengers to arrive on Wednesday, August 16th for our first day of school! #WhateverItTakes

Heather Michalski and Carly Shepherd earned a Bronze rating at National FCCLA STAR Events! Congratulations!

Star City leadership team working on positive energy & our Why! #WhateverItTakes

Jr. High and Sr. High Football Practice Schedule: July 17-20 Open weight room. July 24-28 Sr. practice 7am-10am & Jr. practice 10:30am-12pm.

Star City Schools will host SubTeach to train those interested in substitute teaching, July 20 from 9-12 at Jimmy Brown Elementary.

Star City High School has an anticipated opening for a business teacher. Apply here: https://starcityschools.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx