Welcome back students! Here are your Star City School District Events for Monday, November 27, 2017. #WhateverItTakes
Happy Thanksgiving from Star City Schools! #WhateverItTakes
Star City Schools will be closed November 20-24 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Enjoy the time spent with family and friends! #WhateverItTakes
Railey Curtis, a 4th grader and Road Runner at JBE finished 2nd in her age group at the Vera Lloyd 5k turkey trot today. #WhateverItTakes
Congratulations to the following students. They are your 2017-2018 Beta Club Officers.
President: Sam Reed
Vice President: Kaylin Parker
Secretary: Kaleah Bohmann
Congratulations to Carter Holt! K-2 Student of the month! We are so proud of his kindness to others! @starcityschools
@StarCitySchools students at SCMS creating Holidays Around the World! #WhateverItTakes
Dr Beuer Duke from UAPB working w/ Mrs Britton's animal science class on managing fish tanks @ the animal science facility. #WhateverItTakes
Star City High School Employee of the Month Susan Owen! Thank you for your positive impact on our student and teacher passengers. @energybusschool #WhateverItTakes
Ms. Minor & Ms. Knight's class r ready 4 Thanksgiving #ThankfulThursdays @KidsDeserveIt #whateverittakes
Ms. Tina & Ms. Terri's ABC Ss have a Thanksgiving parade #ThankfulThursdays @KidsDeserveIt #whateverittakes
SC ABC #ThankfulThursday Ms. Daniel & Ms. Tracy's Ss🎉 #Whateverittakes @KidsDeserveIt @starcityjbe
Go Lady Bullpups!!! #getthatwin @scmiddleschool @starcityhigh #whateverittakes
Exploring light with PLTW in Mrs. Tabitha class!
Star City School District Events for Thursday, November 16, 2017. #WhateverItTakes
Korrell King is 3-5 Student of the Month for Nov. He is showing a passion for learning.📣#whateverittakes
As a reminder, this Friday, Nov 17th, is the final day for the late fee registration for the December 9th ACT. If you haven't uploaded your photo for the admission ticket, the final day to upload is Dec. 1st. If you need help, please see Ms Shelley Owen, Ms Amanda Johnson, or Ms Brooke Smith.
SCHS student leaders participated in the student voice academy today. They are building their capacity to influence positive school culture
SC ABC Student of the Month Levi Graham is a good classmate & team player. #whateverittakes
Mrs. Brooke Smith's kids are thankful. 🦃 #whateverittakes @starcityjbe @KidsDeserveIt