Check out what 5th grade students did today. JBE is full of talent. #WhateverItTakes@starcityjbe
Mrs Britton's animal science class watching Dr Witcher surgically dehorn a heifer. #WhateverItTakes
JBE 5th graders perform their many talents today. We are so proud of all of them. #WhateverItTakes @starcityjbe
Coding microbits to create flashing hearts this Valentine’s Day. ❤️ #jbelibrary #WhateverItTakes @starcityJBE
The Student Choice Academy at Star City High School is a personalized learning center providing students with a custom fit education. #WhateverItTakes
Star City School District Events for Wednesday, February 14, 2018. #WhateverItTakes
Mollie had 2 Good Behavior Referrals in 1 day! She works hard in class and shows love for her classmates. WTG Mollie. #WhateverItTakes
Good Behavior Referral 4 David 🎉 He is a great role model for others. #WhateverItTakes @starcityjbe
Kyleigh participates in class discussions & works hard. WTG Kyleigh. #WhateverItTakes @starcityjbe
This young lady brings joy to everyone around her. Her positive attitude & smile fuels JBE! TY Hadley! #WhateverItTakes @EnergyBusSchool
Abram ❤️ learning new things. He has a positive attitude & is kind to his fellow passengers.#WhateverItTakes @EnergyBusSchool @starcityjbe
Awesome #DOK in @poescience today with Mitosis lesson. @scmiddleschool #SCMSstrong #whateverittakes
#RAK2018 is in full swing with our #loveyourpassengers campaign. @scmiddleschool. #SCMSstrong @energybusschool #whateverittakes
Karoline is listening & following directions. She always has a positive attitude & fuels our ride. #WhateverItTakes @EnergyBusSchool
Jayda is stupendous! She is a great helper and hard worker. We ❤️ her smiles. #WhateverItTakes #GoodNewsCallIfTheDay @EnergyBusScool
Star City School District Events for Tuesday, February 13, 2018. #WhateverItTakes
Emma=Good Behavior Referral 4 helping take care of younger Ss on her bus. WTG 2 a sweet & kind 👧! #WhateverItTakes @EnergyBusSchool
This young lady ❤️ 2 learn. She is helpful & kind to her passengers. Addison=Good Behavior Referral #WhateverItTakes @EnergyBusSchool
Good Behavior Referral 4 Lily. She finds was to lift up her classmates. TY 4 encouraging others.#WhateverItTakes @EnergyBusSchool
Star City ABC Ss use Starfall to reinforce letter knowledge. #WhateverItTakes @syarcityjbe