The Ladydogs will face Bauxite tonight at 7:00 in Monticello in the first round of the 4A South Regional Tournament. #WhateverItTakes
Star City School District Events for Wednesday, February 21, 2018. #WhateverItTakes
PJs and Pancakes day tomorrow, February 21st, is at JBE only. We apologize for any confusion. #WhateverItTakes
Congratulations to Cristy Dunnahoe for receiving the honor of 2018 Arkansas School Business Manager of the Year! #WhateverItTakes
JC McGehee received a $500 Choral scholarship to the University of Arkansas at Monticello. Congrats JC! #WhateverItTakes
SC ABC SS were so excited to get outside today! #WhateverItTakes @starcityjbe
5th graders love PLTW and building robots! #WhateverItTakes
Proud to be at the State Capitol today on behalf @StarCitySchools accepting our JAG grant from @ArkansasEd CTE and AT&T! #WhateverItTakes
Mrs. Allison’s class got their fitness trackers today. UNICEF kid power encourages students to get active and monitors their activity levels to help feed hungry children all over the world. #WhateverItTakes
Star City School District Events for Tuesday, February 20, 2018. #WhateverItTakes
The @scmiddleschool @energybusschool Quote ot Week - “Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much.” Helen Keller. #SCMSstrong
Congratulations!🎉Barefoot Bulldogs r headed 2 Nationals. 4 straight Excellence Award wins. WTG! #whateverItTakes @VEXRobotics @starcityjbe
Star City High School will be represented at the Arkansas VEX Robotics Competition by all three robotics reams, KARMA, WALL-E, and the Goats on March 3rd at Arkansas Tech. #WhateverItTakes
Reminder that there will be NO school on Monday, February 19, 2018 in observance of President's Day. #WhateverItTakes
Watch Mrs. McGraw's SS celebrate raising ACT Aspire scores on literacy & math. #WhatEverItTakes @starcityjbe
Congratulations 2 these 5th grd Ss who raised both literacy & math scores on ACT Aspire. #WhatEverItTakes
5th grade Ss presentations of US Preamble, Articles & Amendments #WhatEverItTakes @starcityjbe
SG will play the #1 seed from 7-4A on Wed Feb. 21st @7pm.
SB will play #3 seed from 7-4A on Thur Feb. 22nd @8:30pm
Games in Monticello
Ladydogs lose to Dumas 39-35 and Bulldogs also fall to Dumas 49-47 in District Tournament tonight. Regional play begins this coming week.
This week our @scmiddleschool Ss have added their #RAK2018 to our ❤️. What a joy to read these! #joyfulleaders #energybusschool