How fun to end our week @scmiddleschool with a Spring Fling Dance! @energybusschool #whateverittakes #We💙SCMS

Jarrett works with smallest 2 largest and Eli makes binoculars out of magnetic blocks. SC ABC SS learn through play. #WhateverItTakes

SC ABC SS spend time with their mothers and plant flowers. Happy Mother's Day! #WhateverItTakes @starcityjbe @starcityschools

Thank you to all who #loveourpassengers @scmiddleschool. #TeachArkansas @energybusschool

SCHS graduates will walk through JBE & SCMS beginning at 8:15 on Monday, May 21 in celebration of their upcoming graduation #WhateverItTakes

Thanks @scmiddleschool parents! You’re awesome! You’re amazing! You rock!!!!! #we💙thelunch @energybusschool #teacherappreciationweek

We had a great #JrBeta Induction this morning @scmiddleschool. These are awesome drivers of their bus! @energybusschool #SCMSstrong

#TeacherAppreciation Thank you JBE PTO, Southside Missionary, & First Assembly 4 the fish fry today. #WhateverItTakes @starcityjbe

Congratulations to Joyce Foster, the 2018 Rocket dedication recipient!

Bulldog Softball falls tonight in the 4A State Tournament 5-2 to Pottsville. Great season girls! #WhateverItTakes

Way 2 go Josy! She is always on task & ready for anything. Thank you for being kind 2 others. 🎉 #WhateverItTakes @starcityjbe

Trysten's teacher is so proud of him. He got a #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay 4 his positive & energetic attitude. #WhateverItTakes @starcityjbe

Thank you Harper for taking care of our school by picking up trash from the playground. #WhateverItTakes @starcityjbe @starcityschools

Hazen Blasengame received a Good Call home 4 helping others and being ready to learn every day.#WhateverItTakes @starcityjbe

Working w/ @scmiddleschool T’s and staff is such a treat! It makes our school days such a treat! #teacherappreciationweek @energybusschool

TY Chad Hutson of Simple Simon’s Pizza for the #germanchocolate pizza for #teacherappreciation and #nurses week! @scmiddleschool

#TeacherAppreciationWeek🍕 Thank you Chad Hutson/Simple Simon's 4 the delicious dessert 🍕You made our day. #WhateverItTakes @statcityjbe

1st grade had an awesome time attending the Science Fair at Star City High. #WhateverItTakes

JBE Field Day Fun May 3, 2018

Awesome morning @StarCityHigh Science wing as the 1st grade class visits to experience some exciting labs! #Whateverittakes