JAG students from around the Natural State gathered for the Arkansas Leadership Academy this week. Star City was well represented by 5 outstanding students who spent the past month and a half preparing for these competitive events. 

Andrew Venditti competed in Public Speaking in which he shared his JAG Story about the benefits and life lessons that are part of the JAG Advantage. Andrew's powerful story of overcoming obstacles and working hard was extremely heartfelt, articulate, and motivational. 

Johnny Finley and Connor White competed in Project Based Learning which includes combining JAG Competencies, Community Service, and Business partnerships into a "project" that is fully designed, carried out, and presented publicly by the students involved. These dedicated guy’s Seniors4Seniors PBL is outstanding and continues to make a big difference with senior citizens and residents of local nursing homes. 

Rosalyn Donham competed in Employability Skills which includes an application, resume, cover letter and interview. She placed Second at the State level and goes on to compete at Nationals in December. Rosalyn's attention to detail, positive attitude, and confidence shined in this event. 

Zack Bailey competed in Math Skills, which included a 60 minute exam without the use of a calculator. He placed First in the state and also moves on to the National Student Leadership Academy in Washington D.C. His talents for mathematical reasoning and problem solving were exemplary. 

As always, we are extremely proud of all our JAG students at Star City High School as they rise to meet new challenges, improve their skills, give back to our community, and commit to creating a highly effective and supportive team.